Leadership: Be More Intentional

coaching leadership social and emotional intelligence Sep 22, 2023

Intentionality is the ability to maintain a sustained focus, and acting deliberately, to achieve the outcome you want. 

In today’s world there are many distractions. Most people do not know what they want. When they do, most of the time they are not disciplined to achieve their objectives.

Are you clear about what you are trying to accomplish? Do you have a plan? Do you set you goals? If you answer yes. Good. Move on.

On the contrary, if you are not crystal clear about what you want, it is time to identify the intentions that are most important to you at this moment in life, and prioritize. 

Make a list of intentions. For example, to be: physically fit, an effective communicator, a successful (e.g. business person, coach, writer), financially independent...

To achieve your goals, you need to be crystal clear about what you want, and make decisions and take actions in a consistent manner to get you there. 

This means managing distractions and keep a laser focus on objectives. 

Remember, key to intentionality is focus. 

You cannot have too many priorities to focus on and you should not allow yourself to become easily distracted. 

Few tips that you can apply right away:

  • Ask yourself what do you really want.
  • Give yourself permission to go after what you want.
  • Be curious.
  • Focus on what you want (not what you do not want).
  • Be aware of your self-talk and ask yourself questions that help you being more optimistic (if you aren’t).
  • Surround yourself with people who support you.
  • Do not allow yourself to be distracted.
  • Adopt the belief that you are the one in control.
  • Get support from a Social and Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach. 

It is very important not to allow the prevailing winds of life or the day to take control. 

In other words, you have to be stoic and know that you only have control over your mind and reactions, not external events. 

This does not mean repressing or denying feelings and emotions, but being able to manage your internal states in a way that puts you on a productive path forward. 

It all starts by being self-aware. For this reason an accurate self-assessment is vital to begin living an intentional life.


“Intentional leadership is being crystal clear on what you’re trying to accomplish and taking the right action every day to do it.”  Mark Sanborn

“Social and Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is the ability to be aware of your own emotions, and those of others, in the moment, and to use that information to manage ourselves and our relationships.” ― The Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence

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