14 Ways to Boost Your Creativity and Innovation Skills

coaching leadership social and emotional intelligence Aug 01, 2023

It is said that innovation is applied creativity.

“Creativity is thinking up the idea of flying into space. While innovation is building the rocket.” ―Sarah Stone

Being creative and innovative means you are open to and actively pursuing novel ideas and new approaches.

Think about Marie Curie, Grace Hopper, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs. People with their skills take fresh perspectives in thinking and question accepted procedures, patterns, assumptions. They are open to consider new and original solutions to problems and seek out ideas from a wide variety of sources. They are curious strive and find new ways of doing things. This also means asking lots of questions to generate new ideas and being flexible and adaptable. A common trait si to view failure as feedback.

If you have not yet developed your creativity and innovation skills, most probably you worry and become anxious when you have to shift priorities and deal with change. So, if you find yourself panicking when confronted with changing circumstances respond negatively to new situations, are hesitant to take on new challenges and you are inflexible in how you see the world here below find some tips to develop your creativity and innovation skills and unleash your full potential.

First of all remember that you are creative innately. All of us are creative beings by nature but growing up something just got in the way (education, deadlines, expectations etc).

  • As Aristotle wrote “we are curious by nature.” Cultivate an attitude of curiosity in all things and follow your interests.
  • Know thyself (find a Social and Emotional Intelligence certified Coach to work with)
  • Center yourself into your creative self. Silence, stillness, relax, meditation, mindfulness are powerful tools.
  • Imagine. (And read the book “Imagination creates reality” by Neville Goddard)
  • Journal.
  • Read content about creativity and innovation. Authors such as Seth Godin and Sir Ken Robinson are a great starting point.
  • Ask yourself a lot of what if questions.
  • Brainstorm and avoid to censor yourself. Generate ideas, feelings, intuition. Use all your senses and encourage others to do the same, thinking out loud without judging what comes up.
  • See the invisible, connect the dots.
  • Practice. And if things do not work, find creative solutions, try something else (and do not beat yourself up!).
  • Take time off and protect your sacred time. You cannot be creative when over stressed and facing too many demands. Each day, allow yourself to be surprised by something new. Do little expeditions to new places. Each week, go visit a new place (town, museum…).
  • Meet new people and show genuine interest.
  • Design an environment that promotes creativity and surround yourself with beautiful things.
  • Experiment. Be playful and have fun (with yourself as well, exploring your inner world and becoming more conscious of who you really are).

“Creativity takes courage.” ―Henri Matisse

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." ―Steve Jobs

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“Social and Emotional Intelligence (SEI) is the ability to be aware of your own emotions, and those of others, in the moment, and to use that information to manage ourselves and our relationships.” The Institute for Social and Emotional Intelligence

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